AURA Vibrational Energy Blends

In creating my AURA Vibrational Energy 100% pure essential oil blends I chose specific intentions I wanted to create that resonated with me. I then created the 12 blends by consciously selecting the vibrational energy of each essential oil for the intention. Read through the intention for each blend and use your intuition to guide you on which you feel resonates with you at this time. When it comes to aromatherapy and energetic essence of the essential oils, it all starts with our sense of smell and how it shapes our moods and behaviors. The limbic systems of the brain is responsible for interpreting signals and influencing moods and emotions as well as serving as a storage area. When using essential oils for anointing, we draw upon their fragrance and their subtle energy (or energetic and vibrational) qualities. Our sense of smell as well as our energy field and centers respond to these properties.

I've added selected crystals to each blends to raise the vibration of the synergy. Each crystal has been chosen to help maintain and amplify your focus on the intended positive results.

Whatever you focus on becomes your reality. All of your conscious thoughts and feelings--as well as the subconscious and unconscious ones--create the life you are currently living. It is necessary to be clear about how you want the essential oil blend to help you in order to receive their full benefit.

Vibrational medicine is a term used to describe the variety of therapeutic practices that influence our subtle anatomy--the energy centers and the subtle bodies. Everything holds a vibration, has a vibrational signature, and emanates energy. A vibration is the energetic frequency associated with a person, animal, place or thing. It is something that can be felt and communicated energetically. 

There are many layers to understanding vibrational healing. When specific scents are used with an intention, the connection and experience are stored in our brain and remembered. When the scent is smelled again, it evokes an emotional response. The more the scent is used, the stronger the connection becomes. 

What is Intention-Setting?

An intention is a goal that is in alignment with who you truly are, what you truly want, and where you truly want to be in your life. The ultimate objective of an intention is to bring positive change into your life and to live more authentically as your true self. There comes a point in most of our lives when we feel ready to experience a change we've had trouble carrying out. At times like this, it can help to declare to the universe that we are ready for a change. If the time is right, the universe will respond with opportunities designed to help you create the change you wish to see. You can begin the process of making your declaration by getting clear within yourself about what exactly you want to change. 

Everything that is created, including our individual lives, is manifested through the intention of our thoughts, actions, and words. To create the life you want, your focus must be on what you do want, not on what you don't want. Whatever you focus on becomes your reality. All of your conscious thoughts and feelings--as well as the subconscious and unconscious ones--create the life you are currently living. The basic principle is at the heart of most universal laws, including the law of attraction and the laws of physics. 

Taking the time to live your life with intention, means that you have made the decision to have an impact on your life, as opposed to letting your life take control over you. When you consciously set an intention, you guide your soul along its intended path.

When you set an intention, it solidifies the commitment you have to seeing through the intention. The act of setting an intention turns idea into action and thought into reality.

The wording of your intention is very important. Intentions are not wishes, hopes, or casual thoughts. Instead, intentions are stated as if you have already achieved your goal. Avoid phrases like "I should," "I want," or "I want to be." Replace those phrases with "I do," I have," or "I am."

When you act as if the intention has already come true, you more strongly connect to the goal and are able to visualize the achievement of the intention more clearly.    

Definition of Anointing

The simple yet profound practice of anointing or 'touching with oil" lends itself to creativity, imagination, and intention. It is done in a sacred space and time, in a certain way, for a specific purpose. Each act of anointing, as a symbolic action infused with intention, provides an opportunity to give and receive blessings, as well as to visualize and manifest goals for personal and spiritual growth.

How to Use an Anointing Oil:

  • First, read about each blend and recognize the ones that speak to you. Slowly inhale the aroma of the blends and if a scent resonates with you, you've found the one you need in your life at this time.
  • Put a drop blend on your fingertip and touch your pulse points with your positive intention in mind.

How to use a Ritual Mist: 

The mist is used to clear and cleanse a room or area, and to bring in positive energy. Shake well each time you use, while mentally holding your positive intention while misting.

My Aromatherapy Intention Based Blends

Divine Goddess 'bloom from within'

Healing Heart 'grieve, grow, glow'

Inner Peace 'quiet stillness'

Inner Power 'I choose ME' (my signature blend!)

Inspired Creativity 'ignite your passion'

Manifestation 'live as if'

Moon Power 'let it go'

Positive Mind 'embrace joy'

Sacred Space 'inner sanctuary'

Summer Solstice 'shine your light'

Winter Solstice 'new beginnings'

Wisdom of the Forest 'nature renews'

Affirmations and Music for Your Intentions

As I created each blend I selected affirmations and created a Spotify playlist to aid you in your intention setting that you will find in each blend description. I am very intentional in the oils I select and I only purchase oils from reputable sustaining companies. 

I am currently adding a Store page to my website for purchasing my 12 Aura blends this fall. Watch for more info on each blend plus on how to order to add to your practice.