•  2/22/2025 10:00 AM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

Mandalas are circular designs that represent wholeness that goes beyond the human body to the vast universe and all that it contains. Mandalas have concentric circles that grow outwardly and these represent harmony and fullness with the universe and mind. Painting wooden mandalas has the power to bring you into the present moment and can promote relaxation, calm the nervous system, invoke positive energies and balance body energies. Join Marcia as she discusses the concept of 'Art Therapy' and how painting mandalas can be very soothing to the mind and body. No painting experience is required.

  •  1/25/2025 10:00 AM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

The quiet time creating, helps us care and tune into ourselves. Coloring mandalas has the power to bring you into the present moment and become a transformative and healing experience. Mandalas have guided generations of healers, philosophers, shamans, and visionaries to their own sacred wisdom. Tap into your creative spirit with a practice called "art therapy". Join Marcia as she guides you on using art for self-care to promote relaxation, calm the nervous system, and invoke positive energies. No art experience required.

  •  1/10/2025 01:00 PM - 1/11/2025 09:00 PM
  •   International Wolf Center in Ely

One night in April when my mind was thinking about all that I needed to do, the idea of facilitating a retreat came to mind. As I pondered what the topic could be, the book 'Women Who Run with the Wolves' I first learned about when my began my women's circle Creatrix training popped in my head AND then the idea of the International Wolf Center in Ely being the perfect location sealed the deal that I NEEDED to do this in January 2025 during the Wolf Full Moon. I reached out to my tribe of Ely practitioners and besties in Minneapolis to gage interest and it was an astounding YES! I immediately contacted the Wolf Center who loved the idea and I was able to secure lodging at the Stay Inn Ely for out of town attendees.

  •  9/28/2024 02:06 PM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

Divination tools have long been a part of history. This workshop will provide tips & tools to help you gain clarity and make better decisions in your life. Using these sacred tools can help guide you towards your goals and desires and help you trust your intuition and inner knowing!

  •  9/28/2024 10:00 AM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

To manifest is to co-create with an energy greater than you. By connecting to this Divine energy, we call in what we desire. Imagine that you hold in your hands the power to change your reality - that you are capable of creating your highest vision and desire. A Manifestation ritual is a process of bringing your ideas, concepts, visions, and dreams from your inner world into your outer world, so you can enjoy it with your physical body. What you might not realize is that you manifest things all the time without even thinking about it. Look around you. Everything in your surroundings was once a thought in your head before it manifested into your reality. Your home, your business, the meals you cook, your clients, your partner, the trips you go on, events you attend - you manifested all of it! You combined a vision with action and manifested that vision into a reality!

  •  8/19/2024 06:00 PM
  •   343 E. Harvey Street, Ely, MN

Join us for an evening in my moon garden under the Full Moon of sipping, planting and laughter as you design your very own succulent planter. Find inspiration when gathering with other like-minded souls to create. Succulents, supplies, appetizers & "Signature Sips" will be provided.

  •  7/10/2024 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Are you a woman ready to embrace your full power, health, joy, love and creativity? We are living through a unique time in history, in which age-old imbalances are being readdressed, and feminine energy is healing and awakening worldwide. By creating your own sacral chakra crystal and essential oil rollerball blend I will show you how to ignite and embody this energy personally through chakra (energy center) teachings and releasing blocks to your personal power. To fall in love with your own feminine power is to fall in love with yourself. Only through truly empowering and cherishing yourself can you begin to fully emanate your feminine power and love outward, into the world. Registration fee includes the supplies for your own rollerball you will blend during the workshop.

  •  6/21/2024 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Now is the time to embrace your fiery badass self. This Solstice also includes a rare Full Moon! Around every 20 years, the Strawberry Moon coincides with the Summer Solstice. To soak up that energy and let it fuel you. Join in on the Inner Wild Woman Summer Solstice Fire Ceremony and Full Moon Sacred Circle as we celebrate the beauty and abundance around us! Summer is a time of celebrating, enjoying life totally and living in the moment!

  •  5/18/2024 10:00 AM - 5/18/2024 12:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

My intuition spoke loudly to me when I saw the book title, "Release Your Inner Wild" by Dana Mahon, that I had to read more. I had already selected the name of my business a couple of years earlier and knew I had to have the book for obvious reasons. It arrived in the mail, I read the first few pages and the words INSTANTLY resonated with me! They were the exact reasons why I chose my business name! After devouring the book contents I felt compelled to share the wisdom I gained with other women. Registration includes the workshop, cacao beverage + lunch afterwards to connect with other women.

  •  5/4/2024 02:00 PM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

To honor National Monarch Butterfly day I will be facilitating a monarch butterfly painting class. Each year on the first Saturday in May, National Start Seeing Monarchs Day raises awareness to preserve the Monarch butterfly and prevent it from being added to the endangered species list. The butterfly effect rests on the notion that the world is deeply interconnected, such that one small occurrence can influence a much larger complex system.

  •  5/4/2024 10:00 AM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

Gardeners have been taking pleasure in savoring all the gardening catalogs that have arrived in the mail over the winter. We will soon be preparing our garden beds to sow this years' seeds. There are so many aromatic plants which we can grow at home in our gardens and on pots on the patio. Join me as we celebrate spring and all the joyfulness we can experience in creating a healing garden. Plant aromas effect our brains in surprisingly and healthful ways. Adding potent botanicals to your garden can create a restorative haven.

  •  3/23/2024 01:00 PM - 3/23/2024 03:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

In celebrating National Craft Month, join me in painting block mandalas. Mandalas are circular designs that represent wholeness that goes beyond the human body to the vast universe and all that it contains. Mandalas have concentric circles that grow outwardly and these represent harmony and fullness with the universe and mind. A mandala can reveal the inner workings of yourself and your soul. In this workshop you'll learn how to paint your own rock wood mandala to promote relaxation, calm the nervous system, invoke positive energies and balance body energies. No painting experience required. Registration fee includes workshop + material supplies.

  •  2/24/2024 02:00 PM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

Mandalas are circular designs that represent wholeness that goes beyond the human body to the vast universe and all that it contains. Mandalas have concentric circles that grow outwardly and these represent harmony and fullness with the universe and mind. A mandala can reveal the inner workings of yourself and your soul. In this workshop you'll learn how to paint your own rock wood mandala to promote relaxation, calm the nervous system, invoke positive energies and balance body energies. No painting experience required.

  •  2/24/2024 10:00 AM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

Are you a woman ready to embrace your full power, health, joy, and love? We are living through a unique time in history, in which age-old imbalances are being readdressed, and feminine energy is healing and awakening worldwide. By creating your own chakra crystal and essential oil rollerball blend I will show you how to ignite and embody this energy personally through chakra (energy center) teachings and releasing blocks to your personal power. To fall in love with your own feminine power is to fall in love with yourself. Only through truly empowering and cherishing yourself can you begin to fully emanate your feminine power and love outward, into the world.

  •  1/20/2024 02:00 PM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord

Mandalas are circular designs that represent wholeness that goes beyond the human body to the vast universe and all that it contains. Mandalas have concentric circles that grow outwardly and these represent harmony and fullness with the universe and mind. A mandala can reveal the inner workings of yourself and your soul. In this workshop you'll learn how to paint your own rock wood mandala to promote relaxation, calm the nervous system, invoke positive energies and balance body energies. No painting experience required.

  •  1/20/2024 10:00 AM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord

Are you a woman ready to embrace your full power, health, joy, and love? We are living through a unique time in history, in which age-old imbalances are being readdressed, and feminine energy is healing and awakening worldwide. By creating your own chakra crystal and essential oil rollerball blend I will show you how to ignite and embody this energy personally through chakra (energy center) teachings and releasing blocks to your personal power. To fall in love with your own feminine power is to fall in love with yourself. Only through truly empowering and cherishing yourself can you begin to fully emanate your feminine power and love outward, into the world.

  •  12/26/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this last Full Moon Women's Circle of the year as we clear your plate of anything that’s distracting you from following your dreams as we prepare to enter a new year. You won’t want to miss out on the magic of the season!

  •  12/21/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Why is the Winter Solstice so powerful? The Winter Solstice is one of the most powerful points of the year when the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts and moves in the opposite direction. For three days around the solstice points we may physically, mentally and spiritually experience this stand still and shift of direction. The Winter Solstice is a time to set the tone for the new year and remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish. This night is considered the seasonal dark night of the soul. Spiritually, it's a time to honor both the light and the darkness that resides within each of us.

  •  12/21/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Why is the Winter Solstice so powerful? The Winter Solstice is one of the most powerful points of the year when the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts and moves in the opposite direction. For three days around the solstice points we may physically, mentally and spiritually experience this stand still and shift of direction. The Winter Solstice is a time to set the tone for the new year and remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish. This night is considered the seasonal dark night of the soul. Spiritually, it's a time to honor both the light and the darkness that resides within each of us.

  •  11/28/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

So, what should we be mindful of during this Frost Full Moon? Join in on the November Women's Circle to celebrate letting go of drama and embracing calmness so we can move towards appreciating basic values, being calm, and feeling safe and secure. Simple pleasures and creature comforts take on elevated meaning. This Frost Moon should leave us all feeling strengthened.

  •  11/15/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 E. Harvey Street

The Ely Wellness Collaborative November Potluck will be at Marcia's house. Join in with the community of like minded people to celebrate this season of Gratitude!

  •  10/28/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

This October's Blood Full Moon on the Saturday before Halloween is to celebrate FUN! This event will be held in collaboration with the Ely Wellness Collaborative. It marks the end of the harvest season and allows us to reflect on what we've accomplished this year and what we're grateful for. For those of you that know me it's one of my favorite months to decorate (inside & out) and I could not pass the opportunity on this full moon night to gather in costume (required to attend as adds to the fun) and CELEBRATE!

  •  9/28/2023 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

The Harvest Full Moon represents a chance to embrace new opportunities, create goals for yourself, and manifest your own destiny. This first full moon following the autumn equinox is here to propel you forward into a change of direction, of season, of life.

  •  9/23/2023 10:00 AM
  •   YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely

My intuition spoke loudly to me when I saw the book title, "Release Your Inner Wild" by Dana Mahon, that I had to read more. I had already selected the name of my business a couple of years earlier and knew I had to have the book for obvious reasons. It arrived in the mail, I read the first few pages and the words INSTANTLY resonated with me! They were the exact reasons why I chose my business name! After devouring the book contents I felt compelled to share the wisdom I gained with other women.

  •  8/1/2023 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

August's Sturgeon Supermoon is a time for all of us to take a step back and really appreciate everything. Supermoons occur because the Moon has a slightly elliptical orbit around earth. So there is a point every single month when it is at its closest to our planet and thus looks slightly larger in the sky. Join in on this Full Moon Women's Circle to express gratitude for the bounties of nature, and appreciate the fruits of all seasons and the unique beauties of the cycles of life. This will be one of two Supermoons in 2023. There will also be a full blue moon on Wednesday August 30th at 8:35 PM. It will be the second of two Supermoons in 2023. The second August Full Moon will be the full moon in Pisces. This moon is called a full blue moon because it’s the second full moon in a calendar month. It could also be referred to as a super blue moon because the second August Full Moon will also be a Supermoon.

  •  7/22/2023 10:00 AM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

The simple act of using a signature scent perfume you've created for yourself can be an act of self-care. Create a rollerball scent that will always be associated with you! Our sense of smell is the most direct way in which our emotions can be triggered. Once we have discovered that certain essences make us feel good and can actually enhance our sense of well-being, we can blend them into a perfume so the subtle aroma can be with us everyday. At one time, every perfume would have been skillfully blended from the finest essential oils, and were an indulgence on the psyche and on the purse. Today, perfumes created in a lab have become more synthetic. Essential oils can be used to create a natural alternative to traditional perfumes. Essential oil-based perfumes are easy to make, and the number of combinations you can create is nearly limitless! You can use essential oils from flowers to make feminine, floral scents, or essential oils from trees to make woodsy and musky scents, and so on. Or you can mix and match different types of oils in unique combinations to create your own “signature scent!”

  •  7/2/2023 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in this Buck Full Moon circle that calls for change in our lives and listening to our hearts more than ever. This is a time for transformation and listening to your intuition. The message is to know when it's time to slow down, enjoy the moment, and remember the important things in life. Let your mind, body, and soul rest!

  •  6/21/2023 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Now is the time to embrace your fiery badass self. To soak up that energy and let it fuel you. Join in on the Inner Wild Woman Summer Solstice Fire Ceremony as we celebrate the beauty and abundance around us! Summer is a time of celebrating, enjoying life totally and living in the moment!

  •  6/3/2023 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Astrologers consider the Strawberry Moon—the last full moon of the spring or the first of the summer—to be a moment of ripeness. Now is the time to reward yourself for the hard work you've put into your life, relationships, and career. Set your intentions to find your own personal truth and philosophy of life. Join in on the moon before the Summer Solstice as it relates to good fortune, optimism and generosity to release all so you can adventure into summer and grab opportunities as they come along.

  •  5/20/2023 10:00 AM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

To manifest is to co-create with an energy greater than you. By connecting to this Divine energy, we call in what we desire. Imagine that you hold in your hands the power to change your reality - that you are capable of creating your highest vision and desire. A Manifestation ritual is a process of bringing your ideas, concepts, visions, and dreams from your inner world into your outer world, so you can enjoy it with your physical body. What you might not realize is that you manifest things all the time without even thinking about it. Look around you. Everything in your surroundings was once a thought in your head before it manifested into your reality. Your home, your business, the meals you cook, your clients, your partner, the trips you go on, events you attend - you manifested all of it! You combined a vision with action and manifested that vision into a reality!

  •  5/4/2023 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this Women's Circle as we celebrate spring! The Flower Moon embodies all the spirit and energy of the Beltane and the Spring season. Now is the time to bring those goals and dreams to life. This is the time to look deep within and focus on introspection and healing. You might need to answer some hard questions about yourself and what needs to happen to make your intentions materialize! There will also be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at the same time as the full moon, technically 9 minutes before the full moon peak.

  •  4/7/2023 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join the Pink Full Moon Women's Circle to fully release negative thoughts or relationships that do not have space in our 'new life' that is starting to unfold. Come and feel the community of energy women will come with to help set your intentions to focus on relationships, balance, and harmony in your life!

  •  3/18/2023 01:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

This day is for celebrating and supporting the connections between women. Sister's Circles will be happening in person & online all around the world. A Sister Circle is a 90 minute gathering to engage in meaningful conversation about our hearts, lives, and vision for the planet. We need gatherings more than ever now to remind us that we are connected!

  •  3/7/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this March's Full Moon Women's Circle as we celebrate with the affirmation that this is your world and you're needed in it! Your light is needed. Your unique energy is needed. Your passions are needed. Your perspectives are needed. As you stand in your light, you light up the world!

  •  2/5/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this Snow Moon Women's Circle that will be full of staggering spiritual revelation and purpose. This moon signifies renewal in the spirit. The snow moon gives people a chance to reset and reevaluate. It's about new dreams and overcoming past hurts, forging forward with a greater sense of purpose. February is a very chilly month, but one for building cozy relationships and having a brighter outlook.

  •  1/6/2023 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

January's full moon, known the Wolf Moon, is named as such because of legends from long ago. It's thought that January's full moon came to be known as the Wolf Moon because wolves were more likely to be heard howling at this time, as a way to mark territory, hunt, and find other pack members. The full moon represents a time to harvest your intentions that have been set and making sure they materialize. This moon comes in the dead of winter and is a time for transformation and introspection. This is a great time to reflect on your goals for this year and what you want to improve in your life. It is a time of figuring out what you need in order to have a successful life. It's also a time of seeing what's missing and finding truth in what you long for. It's about sacrifice and finding personal truth and discovering your purpose and how it relates to the bigger picture and society as a whole.

  •  12/21/2022 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Watch for 2023 Full Moon Women's Circle dates and the information on workshops I will be offering. Have a blessed holiday season, be grateful for our days and to new beginnings in 2023!

  •  12/7/2022 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this last Full Moon Women's Circle of the year as we clear your plate of anything that’s distracting you from following your dreams as we prepare to enter a new year. You won’t want to miss out on the magic of the season!

  •  11/8/2022 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

So, what should we be mindful of during this Frost Full Moon being in eclipse? Join in on the November Women's Circle to celebrate letting go of drama and embracing calmness so we can move towards appreciating basic values, being calm, and feeling safe and secure. Simple pleasures and creature comforts take on elevated meaning. This Frost Moon should leave us all feeling strengthened.

  •  10/9/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

October's Blood Full Moon is a time to focus on your relationships in your life. Join in on October Women's Circle ceremony to work on the energy to balance your own emotional needs and the needs of your loved ones.

  •  9/24/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

What is Ecstatic Dance? It's a type of sacred movement that helps women connect to their bodies and feel into their primal selves. You don't need to know how to dance as the powerful music is KEY to allow us to move. I LOVE ecstatic dance! Every culture in the world has had some sort of dance component to their culture so it is appropriate to say that as women, we have a natural call to dance, move and shake. It is in our bones to move and flow to a beat, and women LOVE to express this! Join me in enjoying a beautiful fall evening by the fire, listening to the beat of the music, letting go and feeling free!

  •  9/10/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

The Harvest Full Moon represents a chance to embrace new opportunities, create goals for yourself, and manifest your own destiny. This moon allows you to carefully curate new beginnings by leaving behind any negative habits or practices that no longer serve you. This full moon has been a starting point for many individuals to amplify their energy, reclaim their callings, and release anything blocking their own inner light path from shining. Post Harvest Moon, the moon wanes. This process from a full to waning moon is symbolic of the opening and closing of chapters in your life. Join the September Women's Circle and we release and manifest away! So, what have you been harvesting? What is ripe and ready? What needs to be pruned to allow for continued growth?

  •  8/11/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

August's Sturgeon Super Moon is a time for all of us to take a step back and really appreciate everything. Join in on this Full Moon Women's Circle to express gratitude for the bounties of nature, and appreciate the fruits of all seasons and the unique beauties of the cycles of life.

  •  7/23/2022 10:00 AM - 7/23/2022 12:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Chakras, also known as "wheels of life", are the energy centers in our subtle body, and they are the vital force of our well-being. When the energy passes through these centers freely we experience harmony within ourselves, everything seems to work out in our lives, we have good health emotionally and physically. Join me in my blending studio to learn about which essential oils to use to create harmony in our energy flow and we'll create a rollerball essential oil blend for each of the seven chakras to take home and enjoy!

  •  7/13/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in this Buck Super Full Moon circle that calls for change in our lives and listening to our hearts more than ever. This is a time for transformation and listening to your intuition. The message is to know when it's time to slow down, enjoy the moment, and remember the important things in life. Let your mind, body, and soul rest!

  •  6/21/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Now is the time to embrace your fiery badass self. To soak up that energy and let it fuel you. Join in on the Inner Wild Woman Summer Solstice Fire Ceremony as we celebrate the beauty and abundance around us! Summer is a time of celebrating, enjoying life totally and living in the moment!

  •  6/14/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Astrologers consider the Strawberry Moon—the last full moon of the spring or the first of the summer—to be a moment of ripeness. Now is the time to reward yourself for the hard work you've put into your life, relationships, and career. Set your intentions to find your own personal truth and philosophy of life. Join in on the supermoon before the Summer Solstice as it relates to good fortune, optimism and generosity.

  •  5/15/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this special Blood Moon Women's Circle as we celebrate spring! The Flower Moon embodies all the spirit and energy of the Beltane and the Spring season. Now is the time to bring those goals and dreams to life. This is the time to look deep within and focus on introspection and healing. You might need to answer some hard questions about yourself and what needs to happen to make your intentions materialize!

  •  4/30/2022 11:00 AM - 4/30/2022 01:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Gardeners have been taking pleasure in savoring all the gardening catalogs that have arrived in the mail over the winter. We will soon be preparing our garden beds to sow this years' seeds. There are so many aromatic plants which we can grow at home in our gardens and on pots on the patio. Join me in my blending studio as we celebrate spring and all the joyfulness we can experience in creating a healing garden. Plant aromas effect our brains in surprisingly and healthful ways. Adding potent botanicals to your garden can create a restorative haven.

  •  4/16/2022 07:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join the Pink Full Moon Women's Circle to fully release negative thoughts or relationships that do not have space in our 'new life' that is starting to unfold. This moon in Libra will help you with speaking your truth, pursuing justice and resolving any conflicts in your life. This is a time to find your balance in life. Come and feel the community of energy women will come with to help set your intentions to focus on relationships, balance, and harmony in your life!

  •  3/18/2022 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this March's Full Moon Women's Circle as we celebrate with the affirmation that this is your world and you're needed in it! Your light is needed. Your unique energy is needed. Your passions are needed. Your perspectives are needed. As you stand in your light, you light up the world!

  •  2/16/2022 06:00 PM
  •   343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA

Join in on this Snow Moon Women's Circle that will be full of staggering spiritual revelation and purpose. This moon signifies renewal in the spirit. The snow moon gives people a chance to reset and reevaluate. It's about new dreams and overcoming past hurts, forging forward with a greater sense of purpose. February is a very chilly month, but one for building cozy relationships and having a brighter outlook.

  •  1/17/2022 06:00 PM
  •   Inner Wild Woman Studio

January's full moon, known the Wolf Moon, is named as such because of legends from long ago. It's thought that January's full moon came to be known as the Wolf Moon because wolves were more likely to be heard howling at this time, as a way to mark territory, hunt, and find other pack members. The full moon represents a time to harvest your intentions that have been set and making sure they materialize. This moon comes in the dead of winter and is a time for transformation and introspection. This is a great time to reflect on your goals for this year and what you want to improve in your life. It is a time of figuring out what you need in order to have a successful life. It's also a time of seeing what's missing and finding truth in what you long for. It's about sacrifice and finding personal truth and discovering your purpose and how it relates to the bigger picture and society as a whole.